The Evil Star

Within the palace plane the guide was saying,
00“This is the earth, the last outpost of force.
Feel how her hate waves keep our space ship swaying,
00How anger buffets us from off our course.”
The beings in the plane, with eyes that sifted
00Through fog and dark, looked down on man’s abode.
They saw the earth, her lovely face uplifted,
00While war in hob-nailed boots across her strode.
Then suddenly the three-decked plane was sinking,
00“Weight of earth’s fear. More power!” the captain cried.
Her rockets flashed—a new star brightly blinking—
00And men who saw her go were mystified.


Fantasy July 1949

Enola Chamberlin (1894 – 1976) lived her adult life in the California desert. “The Evil Star” first appeared in the July 1949 issue of Fantasy. The majority of her published work appeared in magazines associated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including The Improvement Era, The Children’s Friend, and The Relief Society Magazine.




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