Daniel Cooper


The Night Came

Do you hear what I hear?
Brother, do you hear?
The sorrowings of the Saints.
Their promised sign hasn’t come.
When the night falls, they’ll die.
Father has been called to help
with the slaughter.

Do you see what I see?
Look, little brother.
The sign of the Saints.
A star as bright as the sun
turns darkness into day.
In the far-off land across the deep
their god has come.

Do you hear what I hear?
Listen, little brother.
The song of the Saints.
Giving thanks to their god for their lives.
Giving thanks to their god for his life,
this god who sees and hears
and answers with his birth.


Daniel Cooper is a husband and father of three children. He lives in Houston, Texas where he teaches community college students how the US and Texas governments work. In his free time, he loves reading and writes the occasional LDS-themed story or poem.


About the poem
►On Christmas Eve 2020 I was listening to “Do You Hear What I Hear?” sung by Bing Crosby and I was imagining how surprising the events of Jesus’ birth must’ve been to the people who weren’t expecting them. Then, I started thinking about what it must’ve been like for people in the Nephite communities to have such a spectacular sign fulfilled before their eyes the night that Jesus was born.


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