Irreantum 17.1 / Fall 2020 / Fearreantum


Five Introductions to Fearreantum


God the Mother Speaks of Death

Dayna Patterson

After the Tower Fell

Daniel Meehan

Evil along the Mississippi:
Stories from Nauvoo

Christopher James Blythe

The Second Fall

Calling and Election

Jack Harrell

Evil Behind Smiling Eyes


Charity Never Faileth

Jaleta Clegg

The Road out of Cardiff

Scott Hales

The End of Saul


Stephen Carter



Mormon’s Second Epistle to his son Moroni

The Ridge

Holden Tyler Wright

Evil along the Mississippi:
A Supernatural Assault in the Kimballs’ New Home

Christopher James Blythe

The Evil Star

Enola Chamberlin

La estrella maligna

Enola Chamberlin

Traducción de Gabriel González

The Living Wife

Emily Milner

from The Interpretation Thereof

Annie Poon

The Overcoat

Maurine Whipple

Beneath a Visiting Moon

Lee Allred

Evil along the Mississippi:
The Mace Family in Lee County, Iowa

Christopher James Blythe

The World

D. C. Nelson

Take Two

Samson Y Hiss

Ida’s Sabbath

Phyllis Barber

The Angel of Death

James Goldberg

The Eye Opener

Brian Gibson


Evil along the Mississippi:
The Demoniac Priddy Meeks in Commerce

Christopher James Blythe

The Flu

Haun’s Mill

Because I Would Not Stop for Death

Michael R. Collings

The Exorcist

Calvin Burke


Church Williams

Winter Fog

Liz Busby